The sensor V3 works in association with a reflector R (cf. literature E 3990).
The Optical Barrier V3 consists of:
Operating principle
The visible and modulated beam emitted by the diode is reflected back by a prism reflector placed opposite to the sensor, then detected by the photodiode which outputs a signal to the processing electronics. Product presence is determined depending on whether the beam is blocked or not. Beam modulation, special optical filter and automatic correction make the sensor insensitive to ambient light.
1. Locating the path of the beam¨¨
They are two ways of locating the path of the beam:
2. Mechanical orientation?
Rough positioning of the sensor can be carried out by locating the path of the beam near the product to be detected and at the reflector.
3. Adjustment of the detection position
The detection position is adjusted using the sensitivity potentiometer.
With the sensitivity adjusted to the maximum value, the accuracy for the detection is approximately +/-1 cm for a product of cross section larger than 4 cm x 4 cm. Adjusting the sensitivity will increase the detection accuracy.